If you're not sure what's achievable for your project, what level of service you need or which applications are required, get in touch and we'd be happy to chat it through with you.
We can produce initial sketch proposals for extensions, alterations or new-builds, whether for an existing building or a new site. The sketch proposals are produced and refined whilst taking planning guidance, building regulations, construction costs etc into consideration to give a level of comfort that the proposals are achievable. At this stage, we can also advise on the applicable fees (both statutory and professional) which can be expected at the different stages.
We can produce a suite of planning drawings and documents suitable to obtain Planning Approval. Depending on the nature of the proposal, there is often the requirement to liaise with other consultants (Structural engineers, Planning Consultants etc) and obtain supplementary reports (arboricultural, transport etc). We can advise on and submit the necessary applications and correspond with the relevant Planning authorities to deliver Planning approval.
We can produce a set of technical drawings and specification to demonstrate that the proposals comply with the building regulations. This can also involve obtaining manufacturer and supplier's literature or certification to satisfy Building Control. We can administer the Building Warrant application and carry out the necessary liaison with Building Control and other consultants to deliver Building Warrant Approval.
We can produce a coherent set of drawings and scope of works to enable tendering contractors to provide accurate quotes. We have a number of very reliable contractors whom we have worked with over the years and can make recommendations on who to approach. In the event that tenders come back higher than expected, we can work with clients and contractors to value-engineer the project to meet the budget.
We can coordinate with the appointed contractor on site to provide expertise and be on hand to answer queries. We can advise on potential design changes and their implications on the Planning and Building Warrant Approvals. Upon completion we can assist in submitting the relevant application and information to obtain formal completion certificates.